We support you all the way

A biogas project is based on the available biomasses. Combigas has developed the necessary tools to calculate the gas potential of the biomass, building costs and plant requirements.
A biogas project is based on the available biomasses. Combigas has developed the necessary tools to calculate the gas potential of the biomass, building costs and plant requirements.
Skilled local construction companies are responsible for project management and construction of the biogas plant. Combigas participates as adviser all the way until the plant is put into operation.
When the biogas plant is built, a series of tests are carried out to ensure that the plant is functioning properly. The operating staff is trained in the daily use of the biogas plant.
When the biogas plant is in operation, the buyer expects a high return on investment. Here, Combigas can act as a solid support partner due to our extensive knowledge of biogas plants.